Happy Birthday! Distilled is 1 Year Old!

I can’t believe it has been an entire year. It was around this time exactly one year ago, that I was staying in a palace in Scotland, and I couldn’t sleep. I started scribbling down ideas for a game that was about crafting scotch whisky. Before I knew it, the clock next to me read 6:00am and it dawned on me that this was more than just a simple bout with insomnia, and instead a potentially gigantic project in front of me.

Now, one year later, I thought I’d just quickly post a few “Then & Now” shots for you, to see how far it has come! It still has a long way to go, but I’m so thrilled with what has been accomplished over this past year, and can’t wait to see where I am a year from now with the game (hopefully survived through a successful Kickstarter launch!)

The Distillery Player Board, where the alcohol is crafted, specialists are hired, and spirits are aged! (2019 vs 2020)
The Spirit Labels that players get to proudly display after crafting (2019 vs 2020)
The Market where players can buy ingredients, barrels, and bottles for their Distillery (2019 vs 2020)
The original Distilled paper prototype, October of 2019
Distilled on Tabletop Simulator, October of 2020