Weekly Art Update – Flavor Profiles!

As we start to ramp into Distilled’s art and graphic design production, we will try to post a weekly art update to the blog, so that you can follow along on our visual journey!

Our artist, Erik Evensen, has started to create some of the illustrations for the Flavor Cards in Distilled. These cards are used whenever a player chooses to age their barreled spirit in the warehouse. Flavor cards are added randomly and blindly, so you don’t know what sort of spirit you actually made until you bottle and sell it!

Some of the flavors are more obvious – such as “Coffee”, “Fish”, or “Cinnamon”. But others might a bit more open to interpretation, such as “Tobacco”, “Smoky”, and “Leather”. This makes me thirsty just writing about this!

Erik also has some ideas for how the overall Flavor Card design will look. He’s thinking that it might feel similar to a tasting journal, complete with notes, ratings, and profiles, to match the “sketchy journal” aesthetic he’s going for with the above illustrations.