Facebook Live, Quackalope, and TTS Blog

This week saw a number of great things happen, and I wanted to quickly record them here. After announcing our Kickstarter Launch date earlier this week, we some some cool things naturally pop up. Things kicked off with me doing an impromptu Facebook Live video, to celebrate National Beer Day while providing the group with updates on Distilled.

The very next day, as I was walking home from work and listening to one of my favorite content creators’ podcast, and I was completely surprised to find them talking about Distilled! Quackalope does some really cool stuff with video, podcasts, and blogs (not to mention they have a mascot that is a duck with horns!). Jesse, the lead duck, had some really great things to say about Distilled! Jump to 45:25 in the podcast episode (audio also below) to take a listen to his comments about Distilled.

The Weekly Quack — Quackalope

Mechanically, this is probably one of the most solid games I have played in this genre coming from an indie publisher. Mechanically, it’s incredible…and thematically…it’s incredible.

Quackalope, from The Weekly Quack #37

Finally, as if that wasn’t enough, we are honored to be the first subject of a longer, more in-depth blog interview with Tabletop Simulator in their new “Developer Discussions”. Earlier this week, they had conversation with Seth Berrier and me about the game, and specifically developing it on TTS. While it appears that they mainly took our recorded interview and transcribed it, it is still great to see all that information and support from Tabletop Simulator! You can read the full interview on their website.