Tabletop Simulator Features Distilled on their Blog and 500 Followers!

I’m excited to announce that Tabletop Simulator has chosen to feature Distilled as one of four games to check out on their platform! They wrote a cool little article about the game, and linked to our social channels. Here’s a fun excerpt:

Paverson Games’ Distilled is not a drinking game, it’s a game of drinking. … Distilled’s rewarding gameplay  will keep you on the edge of your seat (or should we say, tasting stool).

Be sure to check out the full article that was written, as well as the other three cool games they covered, including:

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Also, I’m happy to report that we have hit over 500 followers on Facebook, Instagram, and Kickstarter! This is an amazing milestone for Distilled, given that it hasn’t even been a year since these accounts have been in existence! Here’s to 500 more!