The Kickstarter Video: Welcome to George Georgeadis & Oniro!

Over the month of January, I introduced a variety of folks who will be joining the Paverson Games team in the making of Distilled. From artist to developer, I’m blessed to have such a fantastic team joining me on this journey. Today, I’d like to introduce you to someone who will be helping in a different way. While they might not be helping to make the game, they will definitely be helping to make the Kickstarter campaign a success, through the all-important Kickstarter video.

3D Kickstarter Videos help to visualize the game as if it is the final product

For those familiar with Kickstarter, they will know that it is important to have a solid, short, and to-the-point video that demonstrates the theme and mechanics behind your game. I spent a great deal of time researching various videos, and finding out who their creators were. I had it boiled down to three studios: We Make Teasers, Kagan Productions, and Oniro Creative. They all brought different, impressive elements to the table, with track records of some really high-quality work. We Make Teasers created impressive videos like Honey Buzz and Carnegie, always bringing a high sense of drama and energy to the table. Kagan Productions caught my eye with Mind MGMT and Shadow Network, with their creative use of 2D animation effects. Oniro Creative had videos like Endless Winter and Legacies, two games I’ve personally backed, and appreciated the blend of 2D and 3D into the videos themselves.

I had the opportunity to virtually meet with all three, and each had wonderful ideas and energy that they brought to the meeting, and I could tell that not only was it going to be a tough decision, but a positive one, regardless of who I ended up working with on this project. I could see each studio elevating Distilled in different ways, which was exciting. Finally, since I have a background in 3D modeling and animation, I wanted to make sure to warn them up front that I might be a tough client, but luckily that didn’t scare any of them away 😉

George Georgeadis, Founder of Oniro

In the end, I decided to go with Oniro Creative for Distilled’s Kickstarter video. George Georgeadis, the founder of Oniro Creative, had a wonderful energy about him, that demonstrated genuine interest in the project and excitement about what we might be able to accomplish if we worked together. In addition to Endless Winter and Legacies (linked above), I’m continually impressed by what George has been putting out lately for smaller studios, such as MOB: Big Apple and DAWN. George has an eye for a strong composition, and a real knack for 3D objects, animation, and simulation (please be sure to check out Oniro’s Demo Reel, below). I’m really looking forward to working with George on this project, where he’ll be bringing Erik’s artwork to life in the form of an exciting Kickstarter video for Distilled! I’ve asked George to write a few words, and tell us a bit more about himself, below:

“One thing I love the most about my job is that I get to work with some of the most creative and passionate people in the industry and when I met Dave it became clear to me that there was something special there, not only in Distilled the game, but also this team! I am proud to have been chosen to be a part of it all and help with the campaign and video and honestly… Dave… you had me at OUZO!” 

George is a filmmaker, animator and the founder of Oniro, a creative agency that crafts immersive visuals and cinematic experiences for board games. Working with some of the industry’s top publishers and game designers he specializes in video, 3D visualization, GIFs, and photography. He loves movies, stargazing and currently has a collection of over 800 board games which he tells people is for “research”. See his work at

Oniro Creative’s Demo Reel